
Sunbird Aloes ‘Winter Bells’

Size: Small

Colour: Yellow

Flower Time: Any time late summer to spring

Stem: Stemless


“Dainty plant with dainty flowers” is a very apt description of this unique little cultivar. The pendulous bell-shaped flowers and narrow dark green leaves with a reddish spiny edge all contribute to its suitability as a pot plant.  The old ivory yellow color of the flowers shows off beautifully against the dark green foliage.  The rather large, rarely branched, inflorescences carry masses of flowers from mid-winter onward. The plant produces a number of stem shoots as it matures – these are best removed for a better flowering display.

Sold bare-rooted from 3.5L bag size.

Shipping Countries: South Africa

Ready to ship in 3-5 business days


Shipping Policy

Courier Service - 'Courier Guy'
Last orders for Christmas 2024: Friday 13th DECEMBER.
Last processing day Christmas 2024:Tuesday 17th December


Refund Policy

We have a 24hour return policy should your bare-rooted aloe arrive damaged. Please send a picture of the item within 24 hours of delivery to grayruthe@gmail.com.
Please note: we do not offer cash refunds. We can either replace the aloe or issue a credit voucher for the value of the aloe only, and NOT the delivery fee. Should you wish to return the aloe, the delivery fee will be your responsibility.

Should you change your mind about the bare-aloe and want to return or exchange it, please let us know within 24 hours of delivery.
Please note: The responsibility for paying for additional courier fees for returns and exchanges falls to you.

Product Location

Cape Town, South Africa