Withania somniferia (Ginseng)
Alternative Names: Geneesblaarbossie (Afr), Winter cherry (Eng), Ubuvimbha (Zu), Ubuvuma (Xho), Bofepha (So)
- Perennial
- Upright evergreen shrub – mealy stems and ovate leaves.
- Small green to yellowish flowers in short clusters in the leaf axils – followed by small orange-red berries, enclosed in a brown papery inflated calyx.
- Frost hardy.
- Drought resistant.
- Sun/ partial shade.
- Cut back in spring.
Culinary Uses
- Seeds are used to coagulate milk
Parts Used
- Whole plant: roots, fruits, leaves and root bark
Medicinal Uses. It is said that
- Also called Indian Ginseng – because it is used the same way as Indian ginseng
- Bitter-sweet, astringent, warming herb with a horse-like smell.
- Acts on the reproductive system – impotence and infertility.
- Stimulate uterus – induce contractions in prolonged labour/ retained placenta. Aprodisiac.
- Nervous system, sedative, insomnia, rejuvenate.
- Debility, convalescence, geriatric complaints, waisting diseases and failure to thrive in children.
- Help epilepsy, joint-, nerve and rheumatic pains.
- Roots: ingredient in Ayurvedic tonic formulas – multiple sclerosis, asthma, tonics.
- Externally: Wound healing, open cuts, swelling, burns, stings, abscesses, inflammation,
- hemorrhoids, rheumatism and syphilis.
(Details above given by Mountain Herb Estate.)
For sale in South Africa. Couriered nationwide.