
Piaranthus comptus


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Piaranthus comptus is a delicate and intriguing succulent known for its star-shaped flowers and unusual beauty. Native to the arid regions of Southern Africa, this compact plant produces fleshy, low-growing stems adorned with clusters of strikingly patterned blooms. The flowers, typically cream or pale yellow with intricate maroon markings, have a waxy texture that enhances their exotic appearance. Though small, they captivate with their elegance and complexity, making Piaranthus comptus a treasured addition to any succulent collection, especially for those drawn to the beauty of rare desert plants.


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Piaranthus comptus is ’n fyn en fassinerende vetplant wat bekend is vir sy stervormige blomme en ongewone skoonheid. Inheems aan die droë streke van Suider-Afrika, het hierdie kompakte plant vleisagtige, laaggroeiende stamme wat versier is met trosse pragtig gekleurde blomme. Die blomme, gewoonlik room- of liggeel met ingewikkelde maroen merke, het ’n wasagtige tekstuur wat hul eksotiese voorkoms versterk. Al is hulle klein, betower hulle met hul elegansie en kompleksiteit, wat Piaranthus comptus ’n waardevolle toevoeging tot enige versameling maak, veral vir diegene wat aangetrokke is tot die skoonheid van seldsame woestynplante.

Ready to ship in 3-5 business days


Shipping Policy

**Shipping Policy for Plants**

At MantisPlants, we take great care in preparing and shipping your plants to ensure they arrive in the best possible condition.

Bare Root Shipping
All plants are typically shipped bare-rooted, meaning that the soil is carefully removed from the roots to prevent any damage during transit. We wash the roots to remove any remaining soil and allow them to dry before wrapping them gently in tissue paper. This process helps minimize stress on the plant and ensures its safe arrival to you.

Pot Shipping Option (Not Recommended)
While we do offer the option of shipping some plants in their pots, this is generally not advisable. Shipping a plant in its pot can result in root damage due to movement and stress during transit. The roots can become constricted or disturbed, which can harm the plant. If you are still interested in this option, it must be arranged in advance with the vendor, and we will take extra precautions to pack it as securely as possible. However, we highly recommend the bare-root shipping method to ensure the best possible outcome for your plant.

**Careful Packaging**
We take pride in our packing process to ensure your plant arrives safely. Every plant is carefully packed, with extra attention to detail to protect the roots and foliage. We take care to secure the plant during transit, and make sure it is cushioned and stabilized inside the shipping box to avoid damage.

Our goal is to make sure your plant reaches you healthy and ready to thrive! If you have any questions about the shipping process, feel free to reach out to us.

Weight 0.3 kg
pot size



Product Location

oudthoorn, South Africa