
Haworthia Cooperii


1 in stock

Haworthia cooperii is a small, rosette-forming succulent native to South Africa. Known for its unique translucent, fleshy leaves that are packed tightly together, this plant has a striking, glassy appearance. It typically grows low to the ground and prefers indirect sunlight. Ideal for indoor environments, Haworthia cooperii is easy to care for and adapts well to most indoor conditions.

Care Instructions:

  • Light: Indirect or filtered sunlight is best. Avoid direct, harsh sunlight.
  • Water: Water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry completely between watering. Overwatering can lead to root rot.
  • Soil: Well-draining, gritty succulent or cactus soil.
  • Temperature: Thrives in moderate room temperatures, ideally between 18-24°C (65-75°F).
  • Humidity: Low humidity is sufficient; avoid overly humid environments.
  • Fertilizer: Light feeding in spring and summer with a succulent-friendly fertilizer.


1 in stock

Haworthia cooperii is ‘n klein, rosetvormige vetplant afkomstig van Suid-Afrika. Dit is bekend vir sy unieke deurskynende, vleisagtige blare wat styf saamgepak is en ‘n treffende, glaserige voorkoms het. Hierdie plant groei tipies laag aan die grond en verkies indirekte sonlig. Dit is ideaal vir binnenshuise omgewings en is maklik om te versorg.


  • Lig: Indirekte of gefilterde sonlig is die beste. Vermy direkte, skerp sonlig.
  • Water: Water spaarsamig en laat die grond heeltemal droog word tussen waterings. Oorwater kan wortelvrot veroorsaak.
  • Grond: Goed dreinerende, gruisagtige vetplant- of kaktusgrond.
  • Temperatuur: Gedy in matige kamertemperature, ideaal tussen 18-24°C.
  • Humiditeit: Lae humiditeit is voldoende; vermy baie vogtige omgewings.
  • Kunsmis: Ligte bemesting in lente en somer met ‘n vetplant-vriendelike kunsmis.
Weight 0.3 kg
pot size


Product Location

oudthoorn, South Africa