
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii variegata


1 in stock

Gymnocalycium mihanovichii variegata, commonly known as the Variegated Moon Cactus, is a striking and unique cactus characterized by its vibrant, multicolored tops, which are often bright yellow, pink, or red. The colorful crown is a result of a lack of chlorophyll, making it an interesting addition to any succulent collection. The base of the cactus is typically a green Gymnocalycium, which provides stability and nutrients to the colorful top. This plant is often grafted onto a more resilient cactus species to enhance its growth and longevity.

Care Instructions:

  • Light: Requires bright, indirect sunlight. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent scorching the colorful tops.
  • Water: Water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings. During the growing season (spring and summer), water more frequently, but reduce watering in fall and winter.
  • Soil: Use a well-draining cactus mix to prevent root rot.
  • Temperature: Thrives in warm conditions, ideally between 18-30°C (65-86°F). Protect from frost and cold drafts.


1 in stock

Gymnocalycium mihanovichii variegata, algemeen bekend as die Variegate Maan Kaktus, is ‘n pragtige en unieke kaktus wat gekenmerk word deur sy lewendige, veelkleurige toppe, wat dikwels helder geel, pienk of rooi is. Die kleurvolle kroon is die gevolg van ‘n gebrek aan chlorofil, wat dit ‘n interessante toevoeging tot enige vetplantversameling maak. Die basis van die kaktus is tipies ‘n groen Gymnocalycium, wat stabiliteit en voeding aan die kleurvolle bokant bied. Hierdie plant word dikwels op ‘n meer veerkragtige kaktusspesie geënt om sy groei en lewensduur te verbeter.


  • Lig: Vereis helder, indirekte sonlig. Vermy direkte sonlig om die kleurvolle toppe te verbrand.
  • Water: Gee sparingly water en laat die grond heeltemal uitdroog tussen waterings. Gedurende die groei seisoen (lente en somer), water meer gereeld, maar verminder watering in die herfs en winter.
  • Grond: Gebruik ‘n goed dreinerende kaktusmengsel om wortelvrot te voorkom.
  • Temperatuur: Flora in warm toestande, ideaal tussen 18-30°C. Bescherm teen ryp en koue trekke.
Weight 0.3 kg
pot size


Product Location

oudthoorn, South Africa