Clivia Miniata is a low growing perennial with large flower head consisting of multiple 6 petal flowers.
Plant under trees protected from frost and sun.
Plants are between 50-60cm with flowers or buds when in flower.
Clivia miniata is a shade loving, water wise plant which flowers early in spring
She is definitely worth the little effort she requires.
Clivia miniata They can be planted in pots or in the garden. For the plants to flower well, feed them at least monthly. They are frost and sun sensitive. Water once a week.
Plant in a protected spot, with light but no sun.. It loves a very humus rich soil – add some manure, for best results.
Clivia miniata has very few enemies. Clivia are attacked by the caterpillar of the Amaryllis Borer Moth, Brithys pancratii. which can utterly destroy a plant. End of September and into October spray against the Amaryllis Borer.
Plant in clumps under trees where it is difficult to get colour. This plant can easily be planted in pots and moved indoors when in flowers.
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