Brugmansia plants are also called Angel Trumpets or Moonflowers and are beautiful features in a garden.
They are normally fast growing and flower regularly every 6 to 8 weeks. They can be planted in pots or in the garden. For the plants to flower well, feed them every 2 weeks. They are frost sensitive and have high water requirements.
Although the plant is a shrub, it can be cut into a small tree by removing bottom leaves and branches.
Plant in a protected spot, with lots of light or morning sun. It loves a very humus rich soil – add some manure, for best results. Angel Trumpets have a small root system and can be planted close to walls for protection from wind and frost. Do not be alarmed if the bottom leaves turn yellow. That is normal.
Angel Trumpets can be planted close together. You will end up with a beautiful huge multi-colour huge shrub that flowers continuously.
Brugmansia has very few enemies. In pots – mostly only Red spider mite, and aphids.
Don`t be alarmed if your brugmansia drop its buds on a wim when there are any sudden changes in growing conditions, e.g a sudden cold front in summer. It will quickly recover and make loads of new buds.
All Angel Trumpet buds are yellow when opening and will change to either their colour when fully open, or to white and then turn their colour as the flower ages. Blooms will be darker in warmer seasons than in colder seasons. That means you can have a plant with yellow, white and pink flowers simultaneously.
Although the plant is described as being toxic, I have never experienced any side effects from working with them, even when I got sap in my eyes and mouth.
Bees love the plant.
Angel Green Maya
Angel green Maya is flowers in huge numbers every 6 to 8 weeks. This plant is the all green version of Angel Maya. It is fast growing with large single flowers that open up white and then turns a soft peach as the flower ages over the next few days. Angel Green Maya is fast growing and can easily reach roof height in 2 seasons.