
Agave victoriae-reginae ‘Kizan’


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Agave victoriae-reginae ‘Kizan’ is a compact, stunning cultivar of the Queen Victoria Agave, prized for its symmetrical rosette of dark green leaves adorned with white markings and slightly toothed edges. Native to the arid regions of northeastern Mexico, this hardy succulent thrives in well-draining soil and requires minimal watering, making it ideal for xeriscaping and container gardening. It enjoys full sun to partial shade and is frost-tolerant to a degree, though protection is recommended in severe cold. Regularly rotating the plant ensures even growth, and avoiding overwatering prevents root rot.


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Agave victoriae-reginae ‘Kizan’ is ‘n kompakte, pragtige kultivar van die Koningin Victoria Agave, geliefd vir sy simmetriese roset van donkergroen blare met wit merke en effens getande rande. Inheems aan die droë streke van noordoos-Mexiko, floreer hierdie geharde vetplant in goed-drainerende grond en vereis minimale water, wat dit ideaal maak vir xerokweek en houertuinmaak. Dit verkies volle son tot gedeeltelike skaduwee en is gedeeltelik rypbestand, hoewel beskerming in erge koue aanbeveel word. Gereelde rotasie van die plant verseker eweredige groei, en om oorwater te vermy, voorkom wortelvrot.

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Shipping Policy

**Shipping Policy for Plants**

At MantisPlants, we take great care in preparing and shipping your plants to ensure they arrive in the best possible condition.

Bare Root Shipping
All plants are typically shipped bare-rooted, meaning that the soil is carefully removed from the roots to prevent any damage during transit. We wash the roots to remove any remaining soil and allow them to dry before wrapping them gently in tissue paper. This process helps minimize stress on the plant and ensures its safe arrival to you.

Pot Shipping Option (Not Recommended)
While we do offer the option of shipping some plants in their pots, this is generally not advisable. Shipping a plant in its pot can result in root damage due to movement and stress during transit. The roots can become constricted or disturbed, which can harm the plant. If you are still interested in this option, it must be arranged in advance with the vendor, and we will take extra precautions to pack it as securely as possible. However, we highly recommend the bare-root shipping method to ensure the best possible outcome for your plant.

**Careful Packaging**
We take pride in our packing process to ensure your plant arrives safely. Every plant is carefully packed, with extra attention to detail to protect the roots and foliage. We take care to secure the plant during transit, and make sure it is cushioned and stabilized inside the shipping box to avoid damage.

Our goal is to make sure your plant reaches you healthy and ready to thrive! If you have any questions about the shipping process, feel free to reach out to us.

Weight 0.3 kg
pot size


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Product Location

oudthoorn, South Africa