Aloes, Succulents and Cacti
Aloes, Succulents & Cacti
Showing 1–26 of 43 results
Aloes, Succulents & Cacti, Plants
Crassula capitella ‘Red Pagoda’
Raithby, WC
The Crassula capitella ‘Red Pagoda’ is a stunning branching succulent that sports a stack of fleshy, triangular chartreuse leaves that are adorned with red tips. It requires full sun to partial shade and well draining soil. It is ideal for rock gardens or planters. It is drought resistant and easy to maintain.
SKU: n/a -
Aloes, Succulents & Cacti, Plants
Dracaena trifasciana (Snake plant)
Mossèlbay, WC
This Dracaena trifasciana (also known as a snake plant or mother in law’s tongue!) has web-like underground roots and thick, sword-shaped leaves with a unique banded pattern.
They grow more quickly in bright, indirect light. Flowering occurs mostly during spring and summer.
Beware though, their leaves contain a poison that can cause swelling and numbness on the tongue if eaten in large doses.
SKU: n/a